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Life after Arsene Wenger: A Gunners' shortlist for Le Gaffer's job

It's still three years away, but in 2011 Arsenal Football Club face the all too real prospect of Arsene Wenger leaving the manager's hot seat, either to retire - as he'll be 62 that year - or to move on to another challenge.

My connections with the club aren't any stronger than most sports hacks, so I'm not claiming to have any insider knowledge here, but I believe when Wenger gets to that point he may well step down, leaving the club with the daunting task of finding a successor.

Should Arsenal be dominating European football in three years time - as I obviously hope they will - then that's the only reason I can see for Wenger to stay. He's stated in the past that the true measure of greatness is not to win the Champions League, but to then retain it. If he's anywhere near to achieving that, then I reckon he'd stay, but otherwise I think we'll see him either stepping up to director level, managing a national team (most likely France) or perhaps starting his own academy, perhaps in Africa - a pipe dream he's spoken about in the past.

This is all purely conjecture, I hasten to add, but I'm afraid at some point, boys and girls, us Gooners are going to have to face up to the fact that Wenger won't be with us forever.

No man is greater than Arsenal Football Club, but Arsene Wenger (and, of course, Herbert Chapman) come mighty close, so whoever is next in line for the Gunners' job better have nerves of steel.

Just for the fun of it then, I'd like to hear from you lot about who you'd like to see as a future Arsenal manager. I'll leave the list as open as possible, but given the tradition of the club, I expect a few former Gunners to feature in your thoughts.

Tony Adams will likely be among those names, but an English manager is yet to win the Premier League and I reckon the next boss will also be a foreigner.

Dennis Bergkamp is now a coach at Ajax but unless he can overcome his fear of flying, he'll never become a club manager.

Patrick Vieira was an inspirational leader on the pitch and would doubtless be a terrific coach, but whether he has the inclination or desire to become a manager, I just don't know.

Then there's Thierry Henry who has publicly stated his dream to return in some shape or form to the place where, in his words, he belongs.

Often though it's the least impressive players who become great managers - just look at Arsene Wenger himself. So step forwards the likes of Pascal Cygan, Davor Suker, Glen Helder or any other flops you care to mention.

My tip would be exactly that - a player who didn't exactly set the pitch alight, but who has maintained close links with the Gunners and has been key to identifying some of our most promising young talent. Yes, you guessed it, Gilles Grimandi, currently head talent scout for Arsene.

When the sad day does come, hopefully Wenger will be in a position to choose his own successor and will be able to hand the reins to a trusted aide who is familiar with the Arsenal way.

So who would you like to see on the short list for Arsenal manager when the day of Wenger's departure finally arrives? Share your thoughts here.

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Reader Comments (43)

1 st

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMike


I believe Wenger wont quit at the end of this contract. I think he will one season after the stadium debt is paid off. I believe the stadium debt is significant, but will be paid off far sooner than what we have been made to believe by a certain moron called Myles Palmer.

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGooner Presh

The man to replace him should be Dennis Bergkamp, with Tony Adams his no2

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMike

na therez only 1 man who can eva take ova from arsene wenger... n to me tht man is the man who is currently in charge of the croatia national team... SLAVEN BILLIC. the man is amazing n wud be a revolutionary manager for arsenal hope he stays at croatia until the day arsene retires then he takes charge 4 the remainder of his career.. if not then i think Denis Bergkamp.. cud do a mighty job too. n he genuinely luvs the club too... wot u fink?

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterT

Thierry Henry, player manager; with Van Basten / Bergkamp asomewhere in the fold.

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDonjohnni

Can only be one and that's Tony Adams.......

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSue

I believe that he will be Grooming Steve Bould for his role in the future as he has Steve B gettin the Youth team to play exactly like the 1st team does and thinks very highly of what he has acheived!! if outside the club i like the look of Super Slav Billic

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDanny

I think, depending on what actually happens over the next few years it will be somebody like Steve Bruce or Tony Adams, although I agree that Slaven Bilic would be immense (especially if Wenger moved upstairs!)

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNeil Gooner

I reckon we'll get guus hiddink after wenger. we'll need someone with a proven track record, and he could have dennis bergkamp as his number 2. or am i dreaming :)

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJosh

There is only one person whose dignity and humbleness stand out. And he is one who although is not afraid of being seen is more often than not an invisible person who has shown nerves of steel, courage, determination, loyalty, dedication and who knows how to read the game. He also has a vast knowledge and experience of young boys from south america plus he knows the european way. The name....Aparecido Gilberto da Silva. Or simply GILBERTO

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJoseph

Steve Bould.

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCharlie

I don't think that Arsene will be ready to throw in the towel once his current contract ends. However, if I were looking for a manager to replace him once he eventually decides to step out of the hotseat, I'd keep a close eye on what Jurgen Klinsman gets upto at Bayen Munich.Forget the Spurs connection - that won't even come into the equation once the Arsenal Board seriously start to consider who should replace Arsene. Klinsman has played under Arsene at Monaco, and shares, to some degree, his positive playing philosophy too. Klinsman is intelligent, multi-lingual, has an internationalist outlook and is fully conversant with and interested in developments throughout the global football economy. If he is successful at Bayen, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see him installed at the Emirates as head coach one day.

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMagneto

The Special One Of Course. Bilic would be awesome

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDunga

You say most likely France, but Wenger has said before, as he comes from Strasbourg (on the border), he would only take the German national job.

Step forward someone who isn't a former Gunner.

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterInternet Gooner

Bilic has no connection to the club and no true proven pedigree; I really don't know why he's being spoken about here.

The candidates:-

Tony Adams
Pat Rice
Steve Bould

but my favourite would be Nigel Winterburn. True class and commitment, plus earning his spurs at Blackburn.

Watch this space................

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTux

It will be Claude Puel or Paul Le Guen that comes in as the new gaffer. I think Adams as nr.2. After some years Adams will take over. Wenger will be our new Director of football. Why do you all think that we aren't hiring anybody for that position now? (Retorical). It's the job for Le Prof...

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJollyMike

Whatever happened to David O'Leary - I always had him as a future gaffer but hes mentioned by no one.

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterfrencharse

id like anyone other than Wenger. This guys past it and is now just hanging around milking the club dry for his obscene retirment fund. What sort of man constantly puts on the poor mouth and refuses to buy quality or pay the going rate for players yet has the audacity to make himself the highest paid manager in the premier league despite having won fuck all in 4 years, Arsene Wenger thats who. The guy has an ego so big that he just couldnt allow a player earn more than he does so therefore we're stuck with the shite we have

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPaulie

Steve Bould manager and Tony Adams assistant manager.

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMr Arsenal

I'd for go for Michael Laudrup, and Bergkamp or Adams as the number 2 :)

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSaniTy

Great post.

I'd like a former player from recent years to take the job and I don't care if they have no previous managerial experience.

Someone like Henry or Vieira with either of them having Bergkamp as assistent.

A dream team!!!!

Tony Adams would be a keen adition, only as a defensive coach though.

Excellent site by the way.

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWrighty7

I agree with paulie. The replacement for Wenger will be anyone other than Wenger ! doesn't answer the question though does it? Keep your stupid ill-informed opinions to yourself and if you think we have shite piss off someone else for a year. Should be easy to get a season ticket. Why do you think that is ya Muppet ?

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterse3gunner

I don't think it necesary will be a former gunner, and I can see lots of other good solutions. Arsenal is an attractive club to be manager at, so you can get the top-end managers.

If I could pick...

Guus Hiddink or Marco van Basten

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRode

for the record I think it will be someone from inside the club if Wenger goes upstairs but someone high profile if not. Van Basten looks the most capable of the younger guys

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterse3gunner

Someone up there mentioned Steve Bruce. Are we all losing sanity or what ?

I think Paul Le Guen has always been rumoured as the man to replace Arsene Wenger. However, I suspect Arsene is already grooming Steve Bould as the man to replace him with Tony Adams as his no 2

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPG

Pat Rice- obvious because he sat at the right hand of god

Gilles Grimandi- has found more precious gems on the cheap in africa, you would think he was in the blood diamond trade

Dennis Bergkamp- already has the philosophys down

Marco Van Basten- if we are talking 2011, then that would give him sufficient time to learn his club football trade at Ajax

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWayne Lloyd

Paulie, come to think of it the man does have a big ego and is certainly losing it .And maybe him retiring won't be such a bad idea at all. And last but not least WE NEED A TROPHY!

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSTONE

Slavan Bilic WILL be Arsenals next manager. 100% certain of this... it wont be for another 5 or 6 years though!

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHackney Gooner

I'm probably terrably wrong but i reckon that van basten would be great.

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCambrin

Van Basten for me. In my opinion he's one of the few managers around capable of continuing Arsene's footballing phylosophy. The last thing you want is the squad completely replaced due to a new manager with completely different ideas. Van Basten would be able to maintain the continuity in the style of our play. And he could bring Dennis as his No.2 ensuring we have a genuine Arsenal man in the management team.

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTrev Heff

Gilberto - if he wants to and gets his badges. I'd love DB best but he's got to fly first. After that Gilberto. Does TA have it to be front man? A great Pat Rice replacement, though. Can't think of a Brit who could find players and bring them on as AW has done time after time. By then, though, the days of hefty transfer deals could be gone and players will have cheaper, short-term contracts. That's when maybe, just maybe, we'll get back to club loyalty - and DB, TA, Gilberto could all foster that. The Man has to have strong associations with our club. MY body is shaking! How can I be thinking about post Le Prof days???? Gawd!

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlanesra

Bilic - intelligent, knowledge of premier league, tough and sees the bigger picture.

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterpaul huggard

GILES GRIMANDI for me should be the best man to fill the void when WENGER finally leaves because he's been with him for sometimes now and knows the kind of players we need and our kind of football.

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterARSENAL...GENERAL

Doesn't nesessarily have to be someone who played at the top level...Did Wenger? Did Mourhino? Fergeson?

I think someone with experience who has shown a propensity for good attractive football and a knowledge of world football....Of course none of which can be better than Wenger but we will have to appoint someone...

Mourhino -yea i said it!

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFlash


July 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdieter

.... maybe, graham poll.

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdieter

who ever takes over is destined to fail. will almost be impossible to come in with your own methods and ideas straight after arsene. whoever gets it will more than likely be gone 6 months later, id like to see pat rice given the job for 12 months.and carry on the wenger ways. who knows he might surprise us. i very much doubt it. then when a new man comes he wont be directly compared to le boss. im just glad we still have the current board. i trust them to do the best thing for arsenal football club... its decisions like these that im glad we arnt russian or american owned. its much better being the only real club in the league that will be bebt free in 10 years. we will all still be obsessed gooners then, so the future is very bright, while other so called clubs will be spirralling down due t0 debt. think about the italian league in the 90s. and look at it now. the tv money will dwindle when viewing figures fall. i think you will find its started already. how many live games did you miss compared to the season before?

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteroo2ba

Gilles Grimandi is a certain contender for the job and i would think he has a very good chance of getting it (should Wenger step aside that is!!). Other people to consider would be the likes of Quique Sanchez Flores who did very well with his previous two clubs (until he was ludicrously sacked by Valencia) and Marco Van Basten. As for Paul Le Guen and Jean Tigana - they have no chance.
Here's hoping it is longer than three years before a replacement for the great man is considered!!

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterStevo

Perry Groves!

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjk

Me thinks your'e all being rather premature with your predictions, 'The Boss' will be their another 12 years and by then 'El Cesco' will have been groomed to take over the job, he will have won every trophy in the game, and we'll be looking forward to moving into another state of the art stadium accommodating 100,000. Now how does that sound.

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlennie g

100,000 seater no thanks a extra 28,000 in the emirates has aloud at least 10,000 knobs to attend, wo dont know what being a gooner really is.. these people just want something to brag about monday mornng at work and prob became a serious gooner after our first double., if we dont win much over the next ten years we will more than likely only need 15,000 stadium. like in 1994 we had league home game to the scum and only 15,000 turned up then.and the tickets were prob half the price.

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteroo2ba

Nobody's mentioned Boro Primorac..A major part of what Wenger's done at the club but never mentioned. I'd say he knows how we do things as well as anyone.

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPaul

Good point Paul. I considered including a paragraph about Primorac when I wrote the article - and I probably should have done - but he's only five years younger than Wenger and I reckon when the great man does leave the hot seat, the club will try to get someone younger so that they can view a long term appointment. The other factor not in Boro's favour is that he is notoriously camera shy and doesn't like the limelight at all, which doesn't exactly make him management material.

July 30, 2008 | Registered CommenterGM

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