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Poll: Which Young Gun deserves promotion to Arsenal's first team?

The name on everyone's lips during the opening pre-season games this season is Master Jack Wilshere, a 16-year-old English prodigy who plays a little in the style of Alexander Hleb, but with, dare I say it, a touch of the Dennis Bergkamp about him.

Now I don't go making comparisons to the great DB10 every day and I'm not suggesting for a moment that young Jack is the messiah in waiting - he is English after all, so he'll probably implode as he starts to believe all the hype before he's reached 20. But the youngster is fantastically talented and in my opinion deserves to be promoted to training with the first team and perhaps even a place on the bench this season.

Of course, Wilshere is not alone among the crop of talent on the fringe of the first team. We've yet to see Spanish wonderkid Fran Merida play this season, but with any luck he might get a game later this week.

So with the new season just over a fortnight away, I'd like to hear from you Addicts who has impressed you most out of our teenage players.

I've given you a few names to choose from, in a variety of positions, so I leave the choice entirely up to you - which Young Gun has impressed you the most and therefore deserves to be recognised with a first team call up? Vote now!

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Reader Comments (11)

Vela & Wilshire for me, wilshire is gona be something special, we also saw our Carling Cup team out there on the 10-2 win, i would have a tenner on them going all the way to lift the cup?

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMick noonan

Wilshire, Barazite & Coquelin

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMike

You can see why Wenger is reluctant to buy any more players with the likes of Merida, Wilshere, Ramsey & Vela pushing for first team action. These are the cream of the youngsters for me but we dont seem to be producing any centre backs.

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBertonian

This is the problem, people are hyping Wilshere up too much. Coquelin was the most impressive before his injury as no-one expected much from him and he showed he could be aggressive and concentrate for every minute he was on the pitch. Ramsey has shown real class too. Wilshere is fantastic, but he needs more real match practice to improve his focus for the whole game.

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGooner4life&beyond

I watched the game in Austria yesterday and there was no doubt that Jack is a big talent even at 16. He put in an excellent performance, but he is very raw and his decision making and strength are still in need of further development. He reminded me very much of a certain Bobby Pires and had the No7 shirt to boot. I think he will benefit most from the carling cup this season, which is when AW will play him. Interestingly he played each half on each flank yesterday and he kept cutting inside, very good passer of the ball.

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterseng7

We shouldnt be making so much noise about amateurs. Our concern now should be bringing in bench players who are match winners rather than wasting precious time which can be used to scout winners into praising carling cup bench warmers. I dont want to believe Arsenal gives heartache but lets together aim high. Yes, Wilshere, Coqueline, Vela and Ramsey are excelllent but i dont think apart Vela any of them is ready.

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFred

So many fantastic young talents, hmmm..., well and good. But do not fool yourselves. These are still youths and unseasoned, POTENTIALLY great players. But I doubt the team will win medal without adding any experienced players. As usual, Arsene is at tortoise speed in getting experienced quality players. Too expensive? Usmanov is ever willing to pump in the money. Or else, probably will end with a 'youth team'. Nothing new really at Arsenal. And Cesc will definitely say bye-bye if arsenal fail to win a trophy. Real Madrid will be smiling then!

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdieter

simpson n wilshere 2 1st team

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commentertheo

We have some hopeless and negative people on thse forums.The boys are good we neeed to admit that.Wolshire is good,coqulin and vela,actually all the boys are ready.remember we have merida coming back.Don't be surprised to see arsene gving wilshire,merida,ramsey,coquilin,barasite chance this term.

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjj

The post heading mention's Jack Wilshire and surprise, surprise. Most have voted for Jack Wilshire. LOL.

Come on sheeple, Ramsey completely dominates games and Coquelin is absolutely mind-blowing. The work-rate alone gets them picked and their ability is unquestionable.

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterArsenal1Again

Why isnt Carlos Vela on you're poll?!

July 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterE.S

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