Life after Arsene Wenger: A Gunners' shortlist for Le Gaffer's job
Tuesday, July 29, 2008 at 12:00PM
GM in Arsenal, Arsene Wenger, Gunners
It's still three years away, but in 2011 Arsenal Football Club face the all too real prospect of Arsene Wenger leaving the manager's hot seat, either to retire - as he'll be 62 that year - or to move on to another challenge.

My connections with the club aren't any stronger than most sports hacks, so I'm not claiming to have any insider knowledge here, but I believe when Wenger gets to that point he may well step down, leaving the club with the daunting task of finding a successor.

Should Arsenal be dominating European football in three years time - as I obviously hope they will - then that's the only reason I can see for Wenger to stay. He's stated in the past that the true measure of greatness is not to win the Champions League, but to then retain it. If he's anywhere near to achieving that, then I reckon he'd stay, but otherwise I think we'll see him either stepping up to director level, managing a national team (most likely France) or perhaps starting his own academy, perhaps in Africa - a pipe dream he's spoken about in the past.

This is all purely conjecture, I hasten to add, but I'm afraid at some point, boys and girls, us Gooners are going to have to face up to the fact that Wenger won't be with us forever.

No man is greater than Arsenal Football Club, but Arsene Wenger (and, of course, Herbert Chapman) come mighty close, so whoever is next in line for the Gunners' job better have nerves of steel.

Just for the fun of it then, I'd like to hear from you lot about who you'd like to see as a future Arsenal manager. I'll leave the list as open as possible, but given the tradition of the club, I expect a few former Gunners to feature in your thoughts.

Tony Adams will likely be among those names, but an English manager is yet to win the Premier League and I reckon the next boss will also be a foreigner.

Dennis Bergkamp is now a coach at Ajax but unless he can overcome his fear of flying, he'll never become a club manager.

Patrick Vieira was an inspirational leader on the pitch and would doubtless be a terrific coach, but whether he has the inclination or desire to become a manager, I just don't know.

Then there's Thierry Henry who has publicly stated his dream to return in some shape or form to the place where, in his words, he belongs.

Often though it's the least impressive players who become great managers - just look at Arsene Wenger himself. So step forwards the likes of Pascal Cygan, Davor Suker, Glen Helder or any other flops you care to mention.

My tip would be exactly that - a player who didn't exactly set the pitch alight, but who has maintained close links with the Gunners and has been key to identifying some of our most promising young talent. Yes, you guessed it, Gilles Grimandi, currently head talent scout for Arsene.

When the sad day does come, hopefully Wenger will be in a position to choose his own successor and will be able to hand the reins to a trusted aide who is familiar with the Arsenal way.

So who would you like to see on the short list for Arsenal manager when the day of Wenger's departure finally arrives? Share your thoughts here.
Article originally appeared on Arsenal Addict (
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