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The world according to David B*ntley

Thanks to all of you who pointed out David B*ntley's ever-changing comments on his football heroes. For the rest of you, here are a few of his quotations from over the years:

On Eric Cantona: "I just love the way he Cantona would scare people into giving him room to play. And he played like he enjoyed his football."

On Dennis Bergkamp: "Everyone has been labelling me with Dennis Bergkamp because that goal against Middlesbrough I scored was his trademark - and still is. It is always a compliment for that to happen because I have been watching him since I joined the club as a 12-year-old. Dennis is the one I learn off the most. It is always good for me to be put in the same bracket as him."

On Paul Gascoigne, today: "Gazza [Paul Gascoigne] was my favourite player, all my mates are Tottenham fans and there's a piece of my heart at this club."

On being at Arsenal: "I don't want to play perfect football. I don't want a cross of mine to be a statistic. Everything I thought football should be wasn't happening at Arsenal. So, six months after signing a five-year contract, I decided to go. I just wanted to play. But there was no banter there, it was boring."

To which Gunners legend Paul Merson responded: "If he wants laughs he should be a comedian."

And to Theo Walcott, who made 39 appearances in all for Arsenal last season, including NINE in the Champions League: "If he (Walcott) is not getting the minutes at Arsenal, he's going to have to look elsewhere. Your career doesn't start and end at Arsenal. It can flourish somewhere else. At the end of the day you want to make a career for yourself." Think he's doing that actually, Dave.

And to show how bright the lad is, he responded to criticism after quitting the England Under-21s by saying: "I think it is for the betterment of my career."

So thanks again B*ntley - you weren't good enough for us, but you've still made us a £7m windfall!

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Reader Comments (24)

Yeah thanks Bentley for the £7m you dumb cunt. Your new team is shit. Indeed, so shit that they know they are...

Fuck you, fuck your faggot season ticket holding friends and go do your first duty of the day - tossing Juande's salad.

July 31, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterherdee string

What a CUNT!!!!!

July 31, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdavid

Certainly Bently is a cunt and now he's scum there's even less to like about him, but: 1. None of those statements actually contradict one another and 2. Betterment is a real word, which he used correctly. This article seems pretty desperate and is a little embarrassing!

July 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBob

5-1.. hahaha arseanal

July 31, 2008 | Unregistered Commentergo bentley

I'm not saying that he is using the word betterment incorrectly - simply that thinking that quitting England when called up would enhance his career is a joke. The fact is, he changes his heroes when he changes club. Good riddance to him I say!

July 31, 2008 | Registered CommenterDavid Alexander

Isn't there an anal vibrator called the 'David Bentley'.

July 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterArsenal1Again

bently is a lying stupid cunt, needs to stop worrying about his poofy haircuts + aim on growing a brain , bently and bergkamp should not even be spoke in the same sentence, do youself a favour, bently a spurs fan , haha u fool , even more of a tosser than thought, break a leg

July 31, 2008 | Unregistered Commentertrue gun

bently is gay 100% , thats why he left arsenal because sol didnt want him

July 31, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterbiff

So Bently is and iron hoof? i thought that there was something I didn't like about him, When he cried off for England he should never played for anyone again. Martin Taylor must be overjoyed that you will have forgotten him.
Hope the Edwardo ankle sprain is healing!!

July 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBluenose

5-1.. hahaha arseanal ? you twat still getting a hard on about
that joke result for that joke cup ! save that message because thats still on your goin to have at the end of next season and the season after that and the season after that ..etc etc

July 31, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterbentleyhee hee hee


July 31, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterpaulj1886

Actually, as a gooner, I like Bentley..... 7 million times you stupid fucking tossers, hahahahahahahahahahaha

July 31, 2008 | Unregistered Commentergeez

Actually £3M when we first sold to Blackburn and £7m now. So we actually recouped £10M from this cunt. This is the best example I know of "Making the best out of waste"

July 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPG

Ure all fukin wankers looks at u lot man, fukin hell talk about bitter man shit... Gettin a bit upset u cunts that were gna finish higher than u this season...Lil Wankers

July 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSpurs Fan

Fukin Lil Puffs

July 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSpurs Fan

spurs fan , get a life u low life scum , mface reality as a spurs fan ur always goin to have a shit depressing life with a permanent black cloud over u , spelling CUNT, go give bently a blow job iof u love him that much, CUNTING SCUMMY TOSSER

July 31, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterbiff


July 31, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterbiff

I'm a Spurs fan and to be honest I think bentley is a brilliant signing for Spurs and could put some pressure on Arsenal and Liverpool. I really admire the quality of this blog but some of the comments are simply dire; I can understand banter but this is just ridiculous. Arsenal's lack of signings would worry me if I was an Arsenal fan.

But I seriously do not think Tottenham have the substance, as of yet, to break the top 4 but Arsenal will needs to make some more signings if they are to stave us off for much longer.

Arsenal didn't win the league last year because of, to be honest, a lack of true quality depth in the squad and there have been more outs than ins this window. Amaury Bischoff is not a good player, having 16 minutes of first team football whilst being older than Aaron Lennon! However, I expect Wenger has some sort of trick up his sleeve again... Bastard.

August 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPandy

Pandy // No offense but our lack of signings would worry you simply because you ARE a spursfan .. think about it how many players do you recuit every year .. how much money do ypu shell out .. and how much succes have you had. Remeber your club made a memorobilia mug after trashing our youngsters in whats trul become a donald duck cup (no offence but Enland is the only top league with 2cups and the big teams simply dont fiield their best players for it. so its not taken seriously)

August 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLettraggad

Hahahahahahahahahaha........Go arsene go arsene

August 1, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjj

Go on you plastic, glory hunting, prawn sandwich eating cheerleaders. Bentley will finally know what real fans are when he steps out at WHL after the pathetic plastics at ARSEanal and hardly any at Blackburn.
Maybe Bentley refused to "please" the peado and thats why he didn't fit in at ARSEanal?
5-1 SCUM

August 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJoseph

what a load of tossers you are.
you make me loathe arsenal even more.

August 1, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterarse hater

i dont think we should be so bitter
but rather rejoice at tottenham's failure WITH bentley in the team.
We've made good money from a decent player but definitely not a world beater

August 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Pandy all Bentley can do is cross - Tell me, when Berbatov fucks off who's gonna head em in. Darren Bent? Bentley is Gay and Darren is bent - Fuck me ya team of shit footballing homos.

August 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGreat one

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