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Thanks, I’d rather have a Reliable Robin than a Bentley

When David Bentley scored that fabulous chip against Middlesbrough a few years ago, I wondered whether we had one of those rarities – a talented attacking player who was coming through the ranks.

Not since Niall Quinn and Rocky Rocastle had we had a homegrown forward player of real potential that has genuinely come through the ranks.

When he went off to Norwich on loan, I thought that he would finish his education and then return to stake his claim. A few months later and he was off to Blackburn.

Was this a case of Arsene being wary of the professionalism of English players? Maybe. Let’s be honest, Franny Jeffers, Richard Wright, Jermaine Pennant and Cashley Cole all caused off-field problems and maybe Wenger saw that potential in Bentley.

Let’s look at the Bentley evidence since he left the Gunners:
• He refused to play for England, citing fatigue (not that I care about the national team)
• He claimed training at Arsenal was ‘boring’ and that there was no banter
• He admitted he was never an Arsenal fan and that
most of his mates support T*ttenh*m
• He told Theo Walcott that he would never get chances at Arsenal

So maybe it was predictable that Bentley, whose opinions and actions seem to go against the grain, should choose to join T*ttenh*m. How funny that he claimed he wanted to play Champions League football – and he ends up at a club who have never been in that competition.

I can already imagine the welcome when he comes to Emirates next season – and the rubbish he’ll come out with ahead of the game.

What irony that Wenger’s wily sell-on clause policy means some of T*ttenh*m’s inflated Bentley fee will fatten our coffers even more.

T*ttenh*m and David Bentley – the perfect match.

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Reader Comments (4)

What I think is interesting is that if Spurs sign Arshavin for £17m they will have paid £66m+ for four players. Interestingly, £66m is the amount stated in the last Arsenal accounts for the purchase of all Arsenal's players (as at October 2007).

So, for £66m Spurs would have purchased:
Darren Bent
Luka Modric
David Bentley
Andrei Arshavin

And Arsenal will have purchased for the same amount:
Jens Lehmann
Abou Diaby
Bacary Sagna
Cesc Fàbregas
Kolo Toure
Philippe Senderos
Tomas Rosicky
Lassana Diarra
Eduardo da Silva
William Gallas
Robin van Persie
Aliaksandr Hleb
Mathieu Flamini
Alexandre Song
Gilberto Silva
Łukasz Fabiański
Gaël Clichy
Manuel Almunia
Emmanuel Adebayor
Nicklas Bendtner
Emmanuel Eboue
Armand Traore
Theo Walcott
Carlos Vela
Fran Merida
Theo Walcott

Now tell me, which manager has a degree in economics????

July 31, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermjc

Will somebody PLEASE find the quote from Bentley where he waxes lyrical about being stood on the North Bank as a youth and watching DB10 weave his magic. Come on all you stattos, someone must have it somewhere. Then we'll all know (as if we don't already) that all shite he comes out with is just to cover up that he wasn't good enough to make it at The Arsenal and how much it's going to hurt when he's pretending to kiss his new Spuds badge...

July 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPhilTheGooner

When Bentley thought he had a future at Arsenal he waxed lyrical about sitting in the stands and loving Arsenal because of Bergkamp.

When Bentley though Man U would come in for him he waxed lyrical about being a huge Man U fan because of Cantona.

When Bentley moved to Champions League virgins Tottnumb he waxed lyrical about being a Tottnumb fan because of Gazza.

July 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSimmo

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