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Do we really need another central midfielder?

Whether or not they start for Arsenal today, I fully expect Abou Diaby and Cesc Fabregas to be our first-choice midfield next season.

With Denilson and Aaron Ramsey as back-up, we’re fully covered in that position, despite the departures of Mathieu Flamini and Gilberto Silva.

So it surprised me last night when Arsene Wenger suggested that that midfield was where he was looking to strengthen. Despite the protestations from Udinese, it gives credence  to the link with Gokhan Inler, but with the recovering Tomas Rosicky and newcomer Samir Nasri also able to play centrally, is Wenger doing the right thing focusing on the middle of the park?

Wenger said last night: “It’s not a problem [if we don’t sign anyone] because we have enough young players who can step in but we lost experience and if we can get a midfielder with experience who can play a tactical role we will do it. We need one more body in there.

“If we can do one more signing we will do it. But it will need to be quality. It has to be the right person and that is very difficult at the moment.”

That would tend to rule out a move for a centre-back, a position many Gooners think needs strengthening, with doubts over the capabilities of understudies Philippe Senderos, Johann Djourou and the Hoyte brothers, let along the ability for Toure and Gallas to play together.

In my mind, getting rid of either of them and bringing someone else in and really giving Havard Nordtveit a run in the Carling Cup may be our best strategy.

That said, while I’ve not been in favour of shelling out big money for Gareth Barry, he’s a versatile player who could provide competition and cover in defence and midfield.

The fact that Wenger refused to name names is all par for the course…but failing to rule out a player such as Barry suggests to me that maybe there is some truth in the rumour after all.

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Reader Comments (18)

We need a new Petit, not the new Vieira in midfield. If Paddy couldn't play well alongside Cesc, why should Diaby be able to. Diaby and Cesc has no defensive side to it. We would be mullered!

August 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterInternet Gooner

we need a hard worker. a tactical player. someone that can run all day and break up the opponents plays. denilson is not that player nor is diaby or ramsey.

August 2, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterosk

what about that big guy who plays in the middle for holland

August 2, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterbigcraig

i see no reason why we would need a new midfielder what with Modric, dos santos and bentley arriving this summer surely those 3 could grace any midfield in the world???? opps sorry wrong website....oh arsenals midfield???? fuck yeh they need someone and fast

August 2, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterrui coster

Forget all other positions, we need a world class central defender. Anything else is irrelevant.

Are you saying in this article that you would get rid of Toure?

Surely you can't be serious.

August 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTonyS

I agree with Internet gooner, Diaby is cover for Cesc not a partner. I hope to be proved wrong. I think that a tall defensive midfielder who is inclined to go left as Clichey has less cover than Sagna. Barry does fit this bill, however its to much for him. Although they want Hoyte so him plus cash and he is ours. He only wants to play for Liverpool because they show an interest. I'm confident he would enjoy a spell with the gunners. COME ON THE GUNNERS

August 2, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterbrdgunner

Rui Costa you mug. As if them 3 could get in our side.

August 2, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterbrdgunner

birdgunner we will see but im pretty sure this article says that Diaby gets in your side which and come on he would struggle to get on the bench at spurs

August 2, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterrui coster

we absolutely need a new DM, unless winning trophies isn't one of our aims this season.

diaby never played a single game like a proper DM, he loves to dribble(loses ball quite often bcos of it) has erratic passing, goes forward even more often than flamini(= cesc doing more defending = playing worse)not a good tackler or an energetic runner(like flamini) and he had quite few injuries in his time at arsenal.

diaby is too lightweight, erratic tackling, looks lazy, like diaby not an energetic DM or hard tackling Dm.

we don't need to take any more risks(shitty back up for clichy,sagna, toure, gallas, almunia(could we see drop of form since lehmann isn't breathing down his neck and almunia looks far from a new cech)

August 2, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterfghdfh

I believe wenger has got it spot on again. We do need a player who can play a tactical role and defensive enough to let cesc play with freedom he played with last season. someone like Barry would do great. And rui coster those three arent even good enough to clean cesc's shoes

August 2, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterking of north london

not convinced Diaby will be able to play 40+ games for us. We need concistancy in the mids. I think he's able to do the job, but for how many games?

August 2, 2008 | Unregistered Commentergeorgesydaust

Rui Coster. What do Spurs fans actually talk about at the end of the season, when they haven't managed to get into the top 4 or 6 or 8? Do you ever wonder why your team is so shit? Or do you think that you're constantly believing the rebuilding line from Sp*rs management. You keep on spending truckloads, and now you think youve got the signing of the century in David (who could grace any midfield in the world) Bentley.
How delusional are you lot? You poor poor things...

August 2, 2008 | Unregistered Commentergeorgesydaust

Rui Costa - Bentleys a decent player, Modric's a good if unproven in the premier league and slightly lightweight player, Dos Santos may turn into a good player or another Tony Daly. None of them are good enough to play for a top team (Arsenal / Liverpool / Chelsea) or they would have been playing for them.

Who else wanted Bentley? well Blackburn wanted to keep him.
Modric? Newcastle - enough said.
Dos Santos? No one, great potential but not at the price you paid.

August 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDav

good defensive midfielder
and can play in defence
he may be yound but he is quite experienced and i recon he would compliment fabregas

August 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Wow rui coster posted twice on an Arsenal blog, how sad...

Modric wouldn't get in cos of Fabregas and as for Dos Santos and Bentley, you're joking right?

Song's the most obvious replacement, Diaby's too attacking, it seems the same with Ramsey (and he's too young) and Denilson's too similar to Cesc and he hasn't impressed me with his defensive qualities so far. Song can tackle, pass and head the ball and his positioning is also very good.

August 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFabregas' Dad

Wenger has said he has faith in Song and to be honest he performed well when he played in the African Nations, i agree he may lack experience but as did Cesc when he first arrived! Song is a typically hard working player who can sit in front of the back four in a def mid role or can cover in the back four if needed! i say give the lad a chance :)

August 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGunner

RUI COSTA.Spurs will NEVER finish above Arsenal in God's lifetime..and we know God never dies..hahahaha.LOSERS

August 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMan Unitedkilla

we need a dm who's defense first AND can support our attacks. barry is too slow, too old and too expensive. we still have a big hole in the squad and it's the dm role. the preseason is bearing this out.

August 3, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdan

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