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Arsenal diplomacy should make us all proud

If you believe everything you read in the newspapers, we're doomed.

Liverpool have added the talented Robbie Keane to a forward line that already looked deadly with Fernando Torres; Manchester United are looking to sign Dimitar Berbatov and if they keep Ronaldo, it's going to be one hell of a forward line; Chavski are looking to add Robinho to their squad (don't go Robbie...look at how many attacking talents turn to sh*t when they go there...Shevchenko, Malouda, Kezman); and even T*ttenh*m are being linked with Andrei Arshavin and David Bentley, that legend in his own head who Arsene Wenger thankfully got rid of.

And as for us? We've been linked with a Swiss midfielder who no one has heard of....and that's about it in recent weeks apart from the old stories about Huntelaar, Santa Cruz, Eto'o and Mario Gomez, none of which will be signed if Greedebayor stays.

If I had a pound for everytime I chatted with a fellow Gooner who lamented our lack of transfer activity, I'd be writing this report from the Cote D'Azur or somewhere equally glamourous.

But while some transfers tend to leak out before they've happened, be it through over-enthusiasm on the part of the player (Nasri), naïve club chairmen (Cardiff) or mischievous agents, actually, on balance, I think I prefer it the way it is.

Fergie slams Real Madrid about stating their interest in Ronaldo then claims Berbatov will be on his way (allegedly); T*ttenh*am chairman Daniel Levy complains to the Premier League about Liverpool tapping up Keane and United chasing Berbatov despite doing the same with Juande Ramos while he was still overseeing Sevilla's Champions League campaign last season...and Rafa Benitez makes absolutely no attempt not to unsettle Gareth Barry at Villa.

So isn't it something to make us proud that Wenger and the club refuse to play that game, waiting unti the ink is dry before making any statement on players that we are signing?

Of course, you could look at it the other way and think that if we announce who we're interested in, it will alert wealthier clubs to start a bidding war - and with every penny counting at the moment, we simply cannot afford to do that.

Two years ago, we complained and complained about the lack of signings - then Julio Baptista, Denilson and Willie Gallas arrived. Last season, after signing the unknown Eduardo and Bacary Sagna early on, we had to wait until the end of the summer for Lassana Diarra, a quality signing who may well regret his impatience now.

We all know we need singings. Arsene Wenger knows we need signings, both from a squad depth and experience point of view and also to convince the doubters out there that we're not planning on being also-rans again this season.

So to all of you huffing and puffing about a lack of new faces, I know how frustrating it can be.

But there is a dignity about Arsenal that you don't get elsewhere. Long may it continue.

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Reader Comments (10)

Excellent article. Fully agree.

July 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSteve

In Arsene We Trust

July 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDee

very very true. and its not as if few signings have cost us very badly. heck, we led the premiership for months. it was bad luck with injuries to RvP and Rosicky and Sagna and Eduardo that cost us. When Rosicky and Ed do get back, we'll be quite devastating im sure.

July 30, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterantss

I completely agree, this time last year no one knew who Sagna was, arguably our best player this year. Not only do we have style on the field also we have it when negotiating. Its a shame the likes of Blatter don't see it.

July 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBarry Bethel

Good one mate!

Gooners need to see the bright side and stop moaning all day long! Come on you gooners

July 30, 2008 | Unregistered Commentergraham

Agreed! Great article man.

July 30, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteraqqe

A great point made brilliantly. There is divine hope to be taken from the youngsters emerging at Arsenal and even greater hope to be derived from the way our club conducts itself under the great man!

July 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGlyn Brooks

First article I have read in months that I totally agree with, True gooner! Really hate the moaning, the press and the tw*ts they call agents.

July 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTH14

Dont you just love it, when our supporters keep on echoing stuff they copied from papers and claim to have it good authority that we are doomed next season?

I mean Ian Wright even tried to remind us that he was put out to grass earlier than he wanted or that Dennis Bergkamp should have played past 37 years. What does he think this club is ? A retirement home?

Like Ferguson said: Arsenal performance last season got little or no attention when it was a massive injuries that wrecked the plan. I mean this is from Alex ferguson and you dont get more credit from this man than that.

Relax and maybe then you will enjoy yourself. Because with Wilshere, Walcott and Vela onboard, you will be in for some serious entertainment

July 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGoonerbeall

Sanity at last, Well said Mr Addict, lets also hope the board can keep the Russian and DD at bay and leave Arsene to continue to work his magic.

July 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDandan

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