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Your vote: Arsenal Addicts want Cesc as skipper

In terms of medal winners, Cesc Fabregas is the most successful player in the Arsenal squad, having just collected his winner's medal for helping Spain to their Euro 2008 triumph.

Now before you go barking at me that Kolo Toure has a Premier League winner's medal, as well as two FA Cup winners medals, I agree that the Ivorian's haul is greater than that of Cesc (who also has an FA Cup victory to boast about) but my point is that Fabregas's collection is more impressive and of all of his current club compatriots, he is the only player to have a recent success to talk about.

So that could be one of the many reasons that you Addicts have voted Fab 4 tops in our poll of who should take over the skipper's armband for the Arsenal next season.

Cesc amassed an impressive 45% in our poll, with Kolo coming in second place with a little under 37%.

Current captain William Gallas deserves to be stripped of the honour, according to those who voted, with the French 30-year-old gaining only a 12% vote of confidence.

And our other candidates - Gael Clichy and Emmanuel Adebayor - notched just 6% between them, although the latter was obviously the booby prize winner with just 1% of you choosing him as your man for on-field leader.

The Gunners play their first serious pre-season game on Wednesday when they face Jens Lehmann's Stuttgart and I suspect that if Arsene Wenger is going to make a captaincy change we'll know about it when that game kicks off.

Whether he'll pay attention to our Arsenal Addict poll, I've no idea. But if you're reading this Arsene, click here to see our full poll results and to hear what us Gooners are thinking ahead of the new season.

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Reader Comments (3)

I personally think it's a disgrace that you think 3 hours played in a euro final is considered to be a better achievement than 50 or so hours played in an unbeaten premiership season.

Also, i don't see why you think medals should have direct relevance to the armband.

July 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGooner3891

totally agree with gooner3891. Medals do not necessarily make you a good captain.

U also forgot that Gallas is probably the most successful career wise as he won back to back premier leagues with chelsea.

July 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJohn

I Agree that medals don't make a good or bad captain what makes a good captain is his leadership skills and ability to motivate when things go against us and calm and steady the ship (keeping our feet on the ground when we're in full flow ~ rem we were ahead against Liverpool, Man Utd and Chelsea in various competitions last year and lost!!)

Gallas although proven as experienced isn't a natrual leader. His frustrations we're clear for all to see in that game against Birmingham and although in my opinion the Edu injury had a lot to do with the mental collaspe of our season. oir captains behaviour certainly did nothing to raise our spirits especially when a certain Theo Walcott stepped up to the plate in that game. (Seem to remember Gallas having a dig about his predictable play in that game too!)

So agreed that Gallas should step down from being captain, although an obvious successor I'm not sure Kolo has the pressence/respect of the squad (and by which i mean the driven fear factor that someone like Adams and Vierra had) to drive the team forward but then who else. I believe best Captains are in Midfield although i agree defenders like Admas, Terry did and do a fantastic job. Still give me Vierra, Keane, Robson etc for that drive in the middle of the park. Sadly Arsenal have no one like that. Hmmm maybe Garrath Barry with his experience lol yeah we need to get him first but yep I'd lean more towards Cesc mainly cause of where and how he plays. overall vision of the game - but maybe a little young still... but experinece would have to go to Kolo...

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWisp_Gooner

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