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What the papers say: Veloso keen on Arsenal move

We're all about making your life easier here at Arsenal Addict, where our team of Addicted editors spend every spare second scrutinising news coverage to make sure you're kept up to date with what's going on at our beloved club. So if you don't have the time to trawl through the UK's national newspapers for Arsenal stories, be sure to check back here where we'll do the work for you.

The Sun
- Arsenal chase whizkid Moses
ARSENE WENGER faces a tough battle to prise away teenage forward Victor Moses from Crystal Palace.

The Mirror - Silv fires last shot
Gilberto Silva last night fired a parting shot at Arsenal by predicting they would finish without a trophy for a FOURTH successive season.

The Independent - Barca are only bidders for Arshavin
He has been linked with Arsenal and Chelsea following his impressive performances at Euro 2008, but Zenit St Petersburg have insisted that no English clubs have bid for Andrei Arshavin.

The Telegraph - Thierry Henry pays tribute to Arsene Wenger, Alexander Hleb and Emmanuel Adebayor
Thierry Henry has once again said that Arsene Wenger's magic can mould Arsenal into champions this season.

The Guardian - Barça still keen on Adebayor and Drogba
Barcelona's manager, Pep Guardiola, refused to rule out making offers for Chelsea's Didier Drogba and the Arsenal striker Emmanuel Adebayor after last night's 6-0 rout of Hibernian.

The Daily Mail
- Agent admits Sporting's Arsenal target Miguel is open to offers
Miguel Veloso, who has been linked with a move to Premier League club Arsenal, is a step closer quitting Sporting Lisbon after his agent admitted he would be happy to leave for a big club.

The Daily Express
- Gilberto's big fear
Gilberto fears that Arsenal’s three-season run without a trophy will go on.

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Reader Comments (1)

Miguel Veloso will be an excellent player for arsenal
he can play as midfielder and also ad defender if needed

July 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMihir

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