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Barca claim Adebayor has attitude problems, but is he still welcome at Arsenal?

Emmanuel Adebayor’s “bad attitude” has reportedly put Barcelona off in their bid to snatch the Togolese striker away from Arsenal.

Bad attitude? Are we talking about the same player who thinks after one season of doing his job that he should command a 300% pay rise and who refuses to commit to his future? Bad attitude? No shit, Sherlock!

The question is how us Gooners will respond to Adebayor if indeed he does remain in North London next season?

On the one hand, losing the club’s top goalscorer to the Catalan giants - again - would be a bit too much to handle for this particular Addict.

But on the other hand, Manu’s lack of loyalty this summer has been shocking. The fact that he’s earned the nickname Greedybayor from the very supporters who just weeks ago were hailing him as a hero speaks volumes.

Us football fans are a fickle lot and I think it would only take a few early goals for us to start loving Adebayor again.

I’d still be quite happy for him to leave if Arsenal were to receive anywhere near £30 million and I have a sneaky suspicion that he won’t be in Arsenal colours come the start of the season.

Time is of the essence though, so I predict that if Adebayor plays in any of next week’s friendlies, then he’ll remain a Gunner. If not, then perhaps we’ll be seeing a new star striker unveiled at the Emirates Cup.

Will you welcome Adebayor back at the Emirates given his summer of discontent? Or do you reckon he’s burnt his bridges with the Arsenal faithful? Share your thoughts on Ade-cool here.

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Reader Comments (6)

Well it will never be the same seeing Ade in our belowed shirt again, that's a fact. I agree, if we can get the right price around £30M or Cash and Yaya, that would be a fair deal. Guess time will tell. Wenger knows!

July 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPete Pires

hi gooners worldwide idont think lookin for greener pastures as Ade did is all that bad let the guy be we all make blunders in lyf n he is stil ours to say the list

July 25, 2008 | Unregistered Commentergigi_ale06

ADEBAYOR OR GREEDIEBAYOR...He has made fans generally to loose faith in him- ADEBAYOR shud be made to sit on the bench for a LONG period of time and make him to become a super sub so he would learn how to TALK/SPEAK with manners in public AND i don't think this GUY knows that the attitude he has shown can make disgrunted fans of ARSENAL plan how he can be hurt on the streets of LONDON.

ADEBAYOR shud be allowed to go and lets put our attention on whom would play for the club with all his HEART.

GUNS forever.


July 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJOSEPH.nigeria

fuck off ade. he will be same next summer asking to leave us. we no need hem anymore because it will be same next year. beter to find somene loyal to the club and put him on bench

July 25, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterarsim

I'll certainliy be booing him at the start of the season as his behaviour this summer has been a disgrace. However, one fact that doesnt change is that if he starts banging in the goals again then it becomes very difficult to keep not liking him as the priority has to be doing the best Arsenal can do and if he hits 20+ goals in the premiership then that is the most important thing.

July 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJohn

Aren't we a little hard on Ade here? As far as I know he has made official statements that he does not demand any wage increase and is happy playing for Arsenal. At least twice he has made such statements this summer. All that other crap isn't necessarily coming from the man himself. It's coming from his agent, from AC Milan, from FC Barcelona and of course, the English press. All of whom has their own interests in mind.

July 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMartin

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