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What the papers say: Toure contracts Malaria

We're all about making your life easier here at Arsenal Addict, where our team of Addicted editors spend every spare second scrutinising news coverage to make sure you're kept up to date with what's going on at our beloved club. So if you don't have the time to trawl through the UK's national newspapers for Arsenal stories, be sure to check back here where we'll do the work for you.

The Sun - Toure shock for Gunners

ARSENAL were last night reeling from yet another blow — with news that central defender Kolo Toure has contracted MALARIA.

The Times - Life gets hard for Arsene Wenger, also known as Mr Perfect
There is a banner unfurled at every Arsenal match that reads “Arsene knows”. As a tribute to the judgment of one of the greatest managers of his generation, it is perfect, a simple, reassuring mantra designed to keep at bay the kneejerk reactions that characterise an era of impatience.

The Mirror -
Walcott the top boy now
Haladas 1 Arsenal 1
Theo Walcott showed he has inherited more than Thierry Henry's No.14 shirt as he saved Arsenal from defeat on their tour of Hungary.

The Telegraph -
Eduardo da Silva delay a blow to Arsenal's plan of attack
The alarming depletion of Arsenal's forward line was thrown into sharp focus after Eduardo da Silva encountered a setback from the double leg break he sustained in February.

The Guardian - Henry pays tribute to potential Barca team-mate Adebayor
Thierry Henry has offered a glowing tribute to Emmanuel Adebayor, the striker who has been tipped to follow him and Alexander Hleb on the transfer route from Arsenal to Barcelona.

The Daily Mail -
Arsenal's pre-season thrown into chaos as Toure contracts malaria
Arsenal's pre-season preparations were thrown into turmoil last night as central defender Kolo Toure was taken to hospital amid fears he had contracted malaria.

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