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Cesc to be given Arsenal captaincy?

If you believe the newspapers today, it looks as if William Gallas is going to be leaving us.

There are reports that Barcelona and Paris St Germain are preparing £5m bids for Gallas and, given his performances and behaviour in the latter half of last season, perhaps there is some truth in the rumours.

It all started at Birmingham, of course, when Gallas sat on the sidelines when the Blues got  late penalty, meaning that he was out of position had the penalty been saved. Sulking rather than trying to gee his players up is not the behaviour of  leader.

The fact that Arsene Wenger refused to confirm late last season that Gallas would definitely be captain at the start of the forthcoming campaign raised a few eyebrows.

But given how he performed at Euro2008 and Wenger's assessment that we are vulnerable to long balls fired towards the area by opponents, perhaps we can do without him. I really wouldn’t be surprised if a centre-back is on Wenger’s shopping list.

I'd like to think that Alex Hleb has not been as mischievous as some of the papers have made him out to be - that he simply answered a question from the press about his former team-mate Cesc Fabregas, and what he had been told when he asked Cesc what Barcelona was like as a club.

I think I speak for many Gooners when I say that the Arsenal team should be built around Fabregas - and what better way to underline his value to the team than for Wenger to appoint him as the captain of the club.

He may only be 21, but Tony Adams was the same age when he took the armband from Kenny Sansom in the late 1980s.

When thinking of some of the highlights of last season, Cesc’s reaction to late goals against Bolton and AC Milan come to mind.

This is a player whose love for the club is unquestionable, whose performances lead by example and whose importance to the club can never be under-estimated.

So if Gallas is on his way, dont be surprised if our Number Four leads the side out next season.

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Reader Comments (2)

Cesc deserves the captaincy,no matter the age,the performance matters.

July 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRaymond

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