Fabregas will leave if Arsenal don't win, so are medals the new standard for loyalty?
Monday, July 28, 2008 at 10:23AM
GM in Arsenal, Arsene Wenger, Cesc Fabregas, Gunners

Cesc Fabregas has reportedly admitted speaking to Real Madrid about a move back to Spain, but stated now is not the right time to leave Arsenal.

However, in a worrying warning to all us Gooners, the 21-year-old has stated that if the club goes for a fourth consecutive season without silverware, he'll more than likely be off, as his ambition is to win medals, not to be a part of the oh-so-near brigade that Arsenal have become in the past couple of years.

In a day and age where player loyalty is a dim and distant memory, Cesc has at least given us an insight into what he wants for his career and I can hardly blame him for wanting to create a legacy for himself.

The fact that he signed the longest contract in the Premier League a couple of seasons ago - tying him to the Gunners for eight years - doesn't actually mean that much any more. The whisper is that Arsene Wenger is trying to get Fab 4 to sign a new deal that would make him the club's top earner, but contracts mean very little these days and if Cesc decided he didn't want to play for Arsenal any more then the club could do very little to prevent him from moving on.

If the Arsenal can win some silverware this season, it would appear that Fabregas would be happy to stay and hopefully become the central figure in a team that would dominate the domestic game for a number of years. And if Le Boss has his way, then hopefully they could also dominate Europe.

Another season without a trophy and it sounds like Cesc will return to Spain, albeit for big money, but it's a worrying prospect for the Gunners, as I don't think he'd be the only one to start questioning his position in a team that isn't regularly collecting winners' medals.

We're very spoiled at Arsenal these days. Us Gooners have become accustomed to winning things, as well as getting to watch football the way it's supposed to be played.

But another season with a bare trophy cabinet could bring about the end of an era, leaving - and I don't say this lightly - the great man himself, Arsene Wenger, in danger of being questioned about his qualities.

So what do you reckon? Is the current Arsenal squad capable of winning the Premier League this season? Or do you think the team might struggle and as a result break up when the 2008-09 season concludes? Share your thoughts here using our comments section

Article originally appeared on Arsenal Addict (http://www.arsenaladdict.com/).
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