Can we rely on Rosick-note any longer?
Saturday, July 19, 2008 at 10:49AM
David Alexander

When Tomas Rosicky signed for Arsenal around the time of the World Cup in 2006, hs reputation was that of one of the best creative midfielders in Europe.

His goals agaist the USA underlined the fact that Arsene Wenger had signed one talented player - and at a typically Arsenal-esque bargain price as well!

But I'm now at the point where I believe we should cut our losses and sell him. As soon as possible.

We have Nasri, Vela and Walcott who can play wide, and Mark Randall and Kieran Gibbs who certainly have the promise to justify being given a chance, if only as understudies. And then there's Manu Eboue (heaven forbid!)

Rosicky is probably on a high salary as well, given his status, and although I would love him to be one of the players whose experience guides our youngsters to new heights, I cannot help thinking that we will never get even 30 Premiership games out of him in a season.

And after missing most of the second half of the last campaign, he's admitted that he will not be back with the first team until the start of the season: "I know I'll miss the start of the club season. According to plans I should be back on the field in September."

So Arsene, let's get rid of him, free up more space for a fitter performer, and bring someone in we can rely on for the entire season, not just in fits and starts.

Article originally appeared on Arsenal Addict (
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